Data Science & Scientific Computing (DSSC) at ISTA comprises the most interdisciplinary track in the PhD program.
Data Science & Scientific Computing
Faculty in this track work on a diverse set of problems, ranging from mathematical models of evolution (Barton), medical genomics (Robinson), bioinformatics (Vicoso), systems biology (Guet), theoretical biophysics (Hannezo, Tkačik), and computational neuroscience (Vogels) to machine learning (Lampert), data science and information theory (Mondelli), distributed systems (Alistarh), and physics simulation (Wojtan, Ren).
The Astronomy groups aim at understanding the evolution of stars as well as astrophysical processes by using various modelling techniques (Bugnet, Caiazzo, Götberg, Haiman, Matthee).
Earth Science
Topics of the Earth Science groups are geophysical fluid dynamics (Muller) and mountain hydrology and mass movements (Pellicciotti).
Common to these topics — and emphasized as the focus of the track — is the development and use of advanced data analysis methods, numerical simulation, and statistical inference to address complex and data-intensive problems in sciences and engineering.
- Distributed Algorithms and Systems
DAN ALISTARH - Evolutionary Genetics
NICK BARTON - Stellar Dynamics and Astroseismology
LISA BUGNET - Stars and Compact Objects
ILARIA CAIAZZO - Massive Binary Stars
YLVA GöTBERG - Systems and Synthetic Biology of Genetic Networks
CăLIN GUET - Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology
ZOLTAN HAIMAN - Physical Principles in Biological Systems
Edouard Hannezo - Machine Learning and Computer Vision
CHRISTOPH LAMPERT - Causal Learning and AI
- Astrophysics of Galaxies
Jorryt Matthee - Data Science, Machine Learning, and Information Theory
Marco Mondelli - Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics
Caroline MULLER - Cryosphere and Mountain Hydrosphere
FRANCESCA PELLICCIOTTI - Geometric Computing and Digital Fabrication
SAMARA REN - Medical Genomics
MATTHEW ROBINSON - Information Processing in Biological Systems
GAšPER TKAčIK - Sex-Chromosome Biology and Evolution
BEATRIZ VICOSO - Computational Neuroscience and Neurotheory
Tim VOGELS - Computer Graphics and Physics Simulation
Watch our video presenting the Data Science & Scientific Computing study track here.
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Featured Project:
Cells Respond to Waves in Wound Healing
Hannezo Group
PhD students Daniela Boocock and Natalia Ruzickova, along with colleagues from Kyoto University, discover the biophysical mechanism that underpins long-range cell migration towards a site of wound healing, signalled via out-of-phase mechano-chemical waves.
Read a summary of their research on “Research reveals how wound heals in ‘waves'”. The original publication can be found in the journal Nature Physics: “Theory of mechanochemical patterning and optimal migration in cell monolayers”.
Mechano-chemical propagation of waves encode cell signalling information about site of wound healing. Credit: Tsuyoshi Hirashima, Kyoto University